
Percorso DiVino - 4st stop

According to local folk tales, Virgin Mary herself, after appearing in a dream to the archpriest of Sondrio in 932 A.D., moved the church locals were building in her honor from the bottom of the valley to where we are now standing. A miracle to protect the building from the danger of flooding, and to make it easier to spot.

The Sassella area exactly marks the border between the Berbenno plain in the west and the basin where Sondrio lays in the east. The exact point where the church stands is the only one where our gaze can range in both directions, caressing the terraced vineyards and getting lost along the Adda river that flows along the valley. A place where we discover that stopping and looking back is essential to understand the meaning and beauty of a journey.

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  • Lunghezza 13 km
  • Tempo di percorrenza 3,30 ore circa
  • Dislivello circa 250 m

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Localitą Sassella - Sondrio
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la pala d’altare raffigurante la Nativitą di Vincenzo de Berberis.

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