
Percorso DiVino - 6st stop

The final part of our circular route leads us to a sheepback rock, just a few steps from Case Bongiascia, on which we can discover engravings picturing anthropomorphic figures, a cross and what appears to be a footprint.

Continuing towards Triasso, along the strada delle Sasselle (Sasselle road) near the Moroni area, we find the Ganda rock site. With as many as 68 engravings, it’s the second most important evidence of antique carving in Valtellina afer the Rupe Magna located in the town of Grosio.

Finally, from the panoramic terrace of Triangia, following the signs for the Sentiero della Memoria, we reach a large boulder-altar placed in a dominant position over the valley, which represents the ancient settlements and archaic cults of the first inhabitants of Valtellina.

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  • Lunghezza 13 km
  • Tempo di percorrenza 3,30 ore circa
  • Dislivello circa 250 m

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Area incisioni rupestri - Sondrio
Not to be missed

Le numerose incisioni che rendono questo sito secondo per importanza solo alla Rupe Magna di Grosio.

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