
Percorso DiVino - 1st stop

Discover the history and tales of the popular tradition linked to the Cappella dell’Annunciazione (Chapel of the Annunciation). The Chapel is not only the first stage of an ancient and marvellous project that remained unfinished, but also the beginning of a slow-paced journey along the ancient Via Valeriana, a route between terraced vineyards filled with spirituality, in an area where the relationship with the mountains intertwines with the Holy.

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  • Lunghezza 13 km
  • Tempo di percorrenza 3,30 ore circa
  • Dislivello circa 250 m

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intersezione tra Via De’ Simoni e Via Bassi - Sondrio

Not to be missed

Gli affreschi e le sculture lignee della Vergine e dell’Angelo annunciante, opera di Giovanni Battista Zotti.

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