
Percorso DiVino - 2st stop

We are now in front of the Beata Vergine del Rosario (Church of the Blessed Virgin of the Rosary), built between 1954 and 1960, based on a project by the engineer Enrico Tirinzoni. The classical layout with three aisles, the essential lines, supported by a reinforced concrete core, the presence of contemporary works by local artists all express the sense of Holiness in a post-war community: mindful of its roots but in need of new beginnings.

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  • Lunghezza 13 km
  • Tempo di percorrenza 3,30 ore circa
  • Dislivello circa 250 m

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Largo Stella - Sondrio
Not to be missed

la statua della Madonna del Rosario e le opere di artisti valtellinesi come G. Abram, Renzo Sala e Leone Betti.

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